Forget Google - It's Time to Talk with a Health Coach

If you've been relying on Google to answer your health questions then it might be time to turn to an expert: a health coach. Health coaches provide personalised plans and advice tailored to your individual needs, giving you the tools and guidance you need to make lasting lifestyle changes. In fact, a UK Government survey showed that following COVID-19, 6 million adults aged 40 to 60 plan to eat more healthily, lose weight, and exercise more. 

But staying active, eating healthy food, and making positive lifestyle choices can be a difficult range of disciplines to navigate on your own. To achieve your goals and make positive change, why not let a professional health coach go on the journey with you? 

What is health coaching?

Health coaching is a holistic form of health education and support that focuses on changing behaviours to achieve positive outcomes. Just as a personal trainer supports people with changing physically, a health coach supports people with maintaining an overall healthier lifestyle. That includes nutrition, exercise, self care, sleep, detoxification, stress management and everything that impacts your quality of life such as finances, family and work. The NHS defines health coaches as professionals that ‘support people to increase their ability to self-manage, motivation levels and commitment to change their lifestyle’.

Health coaches use a range of bespoke techniques to support the people they work with such as goal setting, habit building, problem-solving and lifestyle education, helping people to reach their health and wellness goals. Health Coaches are experienced practitioners who understand the complexities of human behaviour and can create tailored plans that address many different health issues. 

At Re-Balance By Sally, we studied at the College of Naturopathic Medicine (CNM) and are members of the UK & International Health Coaches Association (UKHCA). This means that we practise health coaching in a way that follows extensive research and guidance to make sure you always get the best results that are backed by professionals. 

Health coaches have an important role to play in good healthcare. For example, getting fit and breaking bad habits that lead to health issues can be difficult - especially when it comes to understanding what’s in food or how exercise truly affects your body. Sure, we all know that chocolate should be limited and exercise is good for you, but what about the intricacies? Understanding weight loss is just one example of how health coaching educates while delivering results.

So, with all of this in mind, it’s safe to say that working with a health coach results in a much more comprehensive approach than asking Dr. Google.

Why you shouldn't believe everything you read on Google

Searching for health information on Google has the potential to be both misleading and inaccurate. While the search engine can provide great resources and education, not all of the content can be trusted for one major reason: it’s not tailored to you!

Without a tailored approach to your individual health history, symptoms, needs and goals, you’ll likely find yourself going down a path that’s not suited to what you want to achieve. However, with an experienced and certified health coach, you get put on the right path through personalised guidance adapted to your unique circumstances rather than a one-size-fits-all over-generalised solution.

Unlike Google, a health coach will take the time to learn about your nutrition and lifestyle habits so that you can achieve your goals and enjoy the satisfaction of success.

Benefits of working with a Health Coach 

A health coach can provide one-on-one accountability and motivation, as well as personalised support throughout the process. They will draw on their expertise to provide individualised strategies and practical tools that are tailored specifically to your needs. It’s no secret that this type of personalised care is impossible to get through Google searches and online resources. This individualised approach means that you get an actionable plan that is tailored to your specific lifestyle, needs and goals, with continuous support and someone to be your cheerleader and motivator along the way. 

Health coaches provide unique approaches for each person, looking at how physical health is affected by mental, emotional and spiritual health. This ‘bigger picture’ approach significantly helps people recognize what they need to change and how to make healthier choices that lead to better long-term health outcomes. 

Working with a health coach for perimenopause and menopause

With perimenopause and menopause sometimes causing severe and debilitating symptoms, getting support can feel like an overwhelming task. Finding the right person to join you on the journey while also giving sage advice and guidance can be tricky, but we’re professionals; we care and we know how to help.

Our focus at Re-Balance By Sally is taking a holistic approach to rebalancing hormones, while improving overall health and wellbeing. It’s a process we go on together in a collaborative way that is right for you. 

Through lifestyle hacks and step by step small changes that add up, we empower you to feel happy and be your best self again. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Read more about our health coaching for perimenopause and menopause

How to find the right health coach for you 

When searching for a health coach, it is important to take the time to find someone who you trust and connect with. Take time to research their background and experience to get an understanding of their level of expertise. Trust your intuition - if something doesn’t feel right or resonates with you, keep looking until you have found the right fit. 

Working with a health coach can dramatically improve your overall wellness. With the right amount of support, knowledge and resources, a health coach will help you lay down the foundation for setting up healthy habits that can last a lifetime - and that’s invaluable for a long healthy life.

Health coaches are trained to bring out the best in whatever areas you are struggling with, such as stress management, emotional eating or just finding more joy in your daily life. So rather than trusting Google with all of your health related questions and concerns, it may be time to start searching for a health coach that specifically aligns with your goals.

Re-Balance by Sally Health Coach Quick Tips

1. Start off with simple habit changes

Positive habit changes don’t need to be waking up at 5am every morning and going for an intense heart-pumping workout. All it takes is putting on your shoes and going for a walk. Start with a 10 minute walk one day, 15 minutes the next, and gradually grow your positive habits in line with your physical capabilities. 

This simple approach to habit changes stops you from starting too big with unrealistic goals and potentially feeling failure. Remember that while it’s OK to be ambitious, you’re going on a journey and that good things take time.

2. Remember the importance of motivation and accountability

With changes comes challenges. That means that in the process of building healthier habits, there will also be moments of low motivation or feeling like you might break your new habits. It’s in these moments when the support of a health coach comes to life in a whole new way.

Having someone by your side to motivate you and hold you accountable through tough times means that you come back stronger, more able, and with a feeling of accomplishment. It’s easier to stay motivated and on track when you have someone by your side cheering you on.

3. Celebrate the achievements

Just as challenges require motivation, achievements require celebration. It’s so important to take the time to reward yourself in positive ways and a health coach is the perfect person to support you with that. 

Breaking bad habits and building good ones is a difficult process, so having someone who gives you praise and celebration in line with progress and achievements is an invaluable part of health coaching. 

4. Never forget what is possible

Lastly, never lose sight of why you’re going on this journey and what you’re capable of. Healthy habits result in amazing benefits like weight loss, increased confidence, more energy, higher motivation, reduced stress, and feeling like your best self again - to name just a few!

The journey can be tough, but it promises to always be rewarding. Even you might be surprised at what you’re truly capable of with the support of a health coach.

Questions to ask a health coach 

Before committing to working with a health coach, be sure to ask them questions about their background, their approach to coaching, and what the overall process looks like. Questions can include things like: 

  • What qualifies you as an expert in the area of health coaching? 

  • What type of results have former clients achieved? 

  • What will our weekly coaching sessions look like? 

  • How do you track progress?

Asking your potential health coach questions allows you to get a better sense of whether they are a good fit for your needs. Bear in mind, Dr. Google won’t be able to do any of this and even with the recent advancements in AI, it still can’t.

For a personalised health coaching program that both supports and achieves your health goals through sustainable lifestyle changes, contact Sally at


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